How to Fix “Data collection rule is invalid: Multiple destinations for a stream ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs'” Error
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How to Fix “Data collection rule is invalid: Multiple destinations for a stream ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs'” Error

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustrating “Data collection rule is invalid: Multiple destinations for a stream ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs'” error in your Azure App Service? You’re not alone! This error can be a real showstopper, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution for you. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to fix this error and get your data collection rule up and running in no time.

The Problem: Understanding the Error

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the error itself. The “Data collection rule is invalid: Multiple destinations for a stream ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs'” error typically occurs when you’re trying to set up a data collection rule in Azure Monitor for your App Service. This error is triggered when Azure Monitor detects multiple destinations for the same stream, which is not allowed.

What Causes the Error?

There are a few common scenarios that can cause this error:

  • Multiple data collection rules with the same stream name (in this case, ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs’)

  • Duplicate or conflicting data collection rule configurations

  • Incorrect or outdated Azure Monitor agent configuration

The Solution: Fixing the Error

Now that we’ve understood the error, let’s get to the good stuff – fixing it! Follow these step-by-step instructions to resolve the “Data collection rule is invalid: Multiple destinations for a stream ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs'” error:

Step 1: Check for Duplicate Data Collection Rules

First things first, let’s check if there are any duplicate data collection rules with the same stream name. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Azure portal ( and sign in with your Azure account.

  2. Go to the Azure Monitor section and select “Data collection rules” from the left-hand menu.

  3. Filter the list by stream name and search for “Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs”.

  4. If you find any duplicate rules, delete the unnecessary ones.

Step 2: Review Data Collection Rule Configurations

Next, let’s review the data collection rule configurations to ensure there are no conflicts or duplicates:

  1. Go back to the Azure Monitor section and select the data collection rule you want to review.

  2. Click on the “Edit” button to view the rule configuration.

  3. Check the “Stream” section and ensure that the stream name is correct and not duplicated.

  4. Review the “Destination” section and ensure that there’s only one destination configured.

  5. Save the changes if you made any.

Step 3: Update the Azure Monitor Agent Configuration

Now, let’s update the Azure Monitor agent configuration to ensure it’s correct and up-to-date:

  1. Navigate to the Azure Monitor agent configuration section.

  2. Click on the “Edit” button to view the configuration.

  3. Check the “Data collection” section and ensure that the correct stream and destination are configured.

  4. Save the changes if you made any.

Step 4: Verify the Fix

Finally, let’s verify that the error is fixed and the data collection rule is working as expected:

  1. Go back to the Azure Monitor section and select the data collection rule you fixed.

  2. Click on the “Overview” tab to view the rule’s status.

  3. Verify that the rule is enabled and functioning correctly.

  4. If you’re still experiencing issues, try restarting the Azure Monitor agent or contacting Azure support.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues after following the above steps, here are some additional troubleshooting tips:

azuremonitor.log files can help you identify the root cause of the issue. You can find these files in the Azure Monitor agent logs directory.

<Azure Monitor Agent Logs Directory>/logs/azuremonitor.log

Check the Azure Monitor agent version and ensure it’s up-to-date. You can do this by running the following command:


If you’re using a Linux-based system, you can use the following command to check the agent version:

sudo /opt/microsoft/azuremonitor-agent/azuremonitor-agent-ctl version


And that’s it! By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to fix the “Data collection rule is invalid: Multiple destinations for a stream ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs'” error and get your data collection rule up and running smoothly. Remember to keep your Azure Monitor agent configuration up-to-date and monitor your data collection rules regularly to avoid any potential issues.

Keyword Description
Data collection rule A rule that defines how data is collected and sent to Azure Monitor
Stream A named pipe that receives data from a source, such as an App Service
Destination The target where the collected data is sent, such as a Log Analytics workspace
Azure Monitor agent A software component that collects data from sources and sends it to Azure Monitor

By following the instructions in this article, you should be able to resolve the “Data collection rule is invalid: Multiple destinations for a stream ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs'” error and get back to collecting valuable insights from your App Service. Happy troubleshooting!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “how to fix ‘Data collection rule is invalid Multiple destinations for a stream ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs'”:

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with data collection rules in Azure Monitor? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you fix the ‘Data collection rule is invalid Multiple destinations for a stream ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs” error.

What causes the ‘Data collection rule is invalid Multiple destinations for a stream ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs” error?

This error occurs when you’ve configured multiple destinations for the same stream (in this case, ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs’) in your data collection rule. Azure Monitor doesn’t allow multiple destinations for the same stream, hence the error.

How do I identify the duplicate destinations in my data collection rule?

To identify the duplicate destinations, go to your Azure Monitor resource, navigate to the Data Collection Rules page, and click on the rule that’s throwing the error. Check the ‘Streams’ tab and look for any duplicate destinations listed under the ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs’ stream.

How do I fix the ‘Data collection rule is invalid Multiple destinations for a stream ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs” error?

To fix the error, simply remove the duplicate destinations from your data collection rule. Go to the Streams tab, select the duplicate destination, and click the ‘Remove’ button. Save your changes, and the error should be resolved.

What if I need to send my logs to multiple destinations?

If you need to send your logs to multiple destinations, you can create separate data collection rules for each destination. This way, you can configure multiple rules with different destinations for the same stream, without violating Azure Monitor’s rules.

Can I automate the process of fixing the ‘Data collection rule is invalid Multiple destinations for a stream ‘Microsoft-AppServiceConsoleLogs” error?

Yes, you can automate the process using Azure Monitor’s APIs or PowerShell scripts. These tools allow you to programmatically manage your data collection rules and fix any errors, including the one mentioned above. Check out Azure Monitor’s documentation for more information on how to automate error fixing.

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